Here's a quick summary of some of the upcoming alumni relations professional education opportunities from CASE, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.
For a full calendar of opportunities across all of advancement, see CASE's Conference & Training pages.
Social Media, Alumni and the Engagement Cycle (Online Speaker Series, Asia-Pacific)
November 8, 2011
The Power of Volunteers: Leveraging Engagement & Advocacy (Online Speaker Series)
November 15, 2011
Alumni Engagement Strategies: Traditional Communities, New Networks (Savannah, Georgia, USA)
December 5–6, 2011
The Necessity of Developing a Community College Alumni Relations Program (Webinar)
December 13, 2011
Annual CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference (San Francisco, California, USA)
February 5–7, 2012
Workshop for Newcomers to Alumni Relations (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
February 29-March 1, 2012
Note that some content on the CASE website is region-specific, so consider selecting América Latina, Asia-Pacific or Europe as a selection when looking at the site.
Of course there are non-CASE offerings as well, too numerous to list here. However, I will mention one specific opportunity in which I've participated in the past, and which will be of interest to some:
Educational Travel Conference (Orlando, Florida, USA)
January 19-22, 2012
If you work on alumni travel programs and want to see other planners, international destination reps, and tour operators all in one giant place, this is a great conference to attend.
What are your professional development plans for the coming calendar year?