At long last, the first-ever CASE Asia-Pacific Institute in Alumni Relations (APIAR) is taking place. The Institute will take place from 2 to 5 August, 2011 in Singapore, on the campus of INSEAD, the global business school.
APIAR will provide Asia's alumni professionals with multiple approaches to the theory and practice of the profession. Newcomers to the profession, and those working with international alumni will benefit most directly.
The program provides
- plenary sessions on volunteer development, communications, technology, alumni outreach and other core topics;
- more than 20 elective classes on metrics, affinity programming and more;
- tutorial groups of just 8 to 10 attendees led each day by an experienced faculty member; and
- a personalized "action plan" that each participant creates during the week, to address his or her institution's most pressing alumni relations needs.
[Participants will be laying the foundation for a strong network
of fellow practitioners from across the region]
I'm honored to be among the APIAR faculty members, and excited by the line up of faculty colleagues: the conference chair is Antonia Yeung (Director of Alumni Affairs at Chinese University of Hong Kong); she is joined by Marie Earl (experienced alumni executive and strategy consultant); Julie Mannion (Alumni Manager at Queensland University of Technology in Australia), and Nathalie Walker (Head of Alumni Relations at Cambridge University, UK).
The conference web site is online now, and open for registration. See you there!
Photo: Singapore's Marina Bay Sands. Photo by me via Flickr.