Half of 2010 is behind us. I checked to see which Alumni Futures blogs posts were the most-read so far this year, and here are the top five...(These five posts averaged 450 views each.)
A Revised Matrix of Social Network Effects on Alumni Relations
7 Things to Know About Facebook's Open Graph (by Andrew Gossen)
New Staffing Models in Alumni Relations
Alumni Magazines: "Be Read or Don't Bother"
Alumni Magazines: Online Questions, Part I
As an additional resource, here are the most-clicked links that I posted on Twitter in the last six months:
10 ways Twitter has changed, 7 questions for the future. Alumni Networks & Twitter white paper
Recap of the CASE Social Media and Community Conference via @lizallen
MIT social network analysts: Individual bias limits the benefit of having the right professional connections.
Are status updates the new "Class Notes"?
See at a glance how 95 alumni associations are using Twitter: Follow this list.
I won't be blogging as much in July, but will return to discuss some upcoming Alumni Futures events, as well as the CASE Summit in New York City. See you there?
Meanwhile, catch me on Twitter: @alumnifutures