[Updated: There is a newer version of the matrix, featuring two additional use cases, for a total of 20. See:
Back in February we saw the first version of web strategist Jeremiah Owyang's useful chart, Impacts to Alumni Organizations in a World of Social Networks. A month later, I posted a revised version of the chart, which I had updated by incorporating more specific aspects of alumni relations.
Now, with help from Cornell's Andrew Gossen and Liz Allen of Adaptivate, I've built out the matrix to incorporate almost every possible use case I can think of for social technology in alumni and donor outreach.
The chart is detailed and lengthy, and so it is hard to read within the Alumni Futures web page (although to get an idea of the content you can click the image above for a snap shot of one section).
Download a PDF of the full chart here:
Social Networks' Impacts to Alumni Organizations: 18 Use Cases [90kb PDF]
Here are some ways you might use the chart:
- As a management checklist to see how you are doing in engaging constituents with interactive tools;
- For brainstorming new ways to engage your audience, in partnership with other campus units (such as student affairs, career services, community relations, development or communications);
- To create a strategy roadmap that guides your inquiries and planning as you allocate resources to new initiatives.
Finally, I hope others will update and add to the matrix in the way that Jeremiah has encouraged me to do with his version. As the technology changes, advancement professionals need to update their vision and plans, and incorporate new ideas to expand the range of possible futures.
Leave a comment telling me what you think about this resource, and feel free to share your own additions in the comments or via email: [email protected].
Note: The matrix is designed to print on US legal size paper, 8.5 x 14 inches. If you are reading this message via email or RSS and cannot download the 18 Use Cases, 1) click through to the blog post on the web page: http://www.alumnifutures.com/2010/07/expanded-matrix.html, then 2) right click the link to the PDF and 3) select "Save As..." or "Save Link As..."