There's a lot of talk about Twitter, and criticism about the irrelevance of what people are saying in that channel. But you might want to check and see what they're saying about you. And if they're not talking about you, maybe you should join the conversation (and of course, be relevant).
Here are a few tweets that popped up when I did a quick search of Twitter for comments that include the word "alumni."
But are they alumni? Are you limiting access to your LinkedIn Group to alumni (and allowing current students to join)? If you're not – what, exactly, makes it an alumni group?
I knew you could "fly" in Second Life, but I didn't know you could ice skate. I also didn't know anyone was still using Second Life. I don't hear much about it anymore. Do you?
The other day, by the way, Michael Stoner wrote about Second Life and Twitter.
We all do now.
I'll share more alumni tweets from time to time. If you see a good one, send it along, or leave a comment.